Last update: 9-02-2012

INNOVATION Center Romania Piatra Neamţ – ICR PN

Innovation Centers Network Romania was created at a national level during the project INFOSOC "RESEARCHES REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NATIONAL NETWORK TO OFFER INFORMATIONS AND ASSISTANCE IN RESEARCH-DEVELOPMENT-INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGICAL TRASNFER DUE TO INTEGRATION IN EUROPEAN ESEARCH ARE (ERA)" applied by the Industry and Commerce Chamber of Bucharest, in partnership with "Professor Constantin Popovici" Foundation Bucharest, University Polytechnic Bucharest (UPB), Research and Design Romanian Patronage.

INNOVATION Centers Network Romania (ICNR) is an instrument that ensures the required assistance for the businesses competitiveness to meet the requirements of the European and world market economy.

Base activities are orientated towards technological transfer opportunities; use the results of competitive research activities, development partnership and cluster networks, access to information regarding innovative businesses opportunities.

In Piatra Neamt the INNOVATION Center Romania is hosted by CIBIC Association.

ICR activities elements

Assistance for negotiation
  • Business Board System (BBS)
  • Valid entries in BBS
  • Results BBS
    • Technological Offers - TO
    • Technological Requirements – TR
  • Brokerage events
Client profile
  • Contractual results
  • Economic impact indicators
  • Pre-protection evaluation
  • Good practice
Initial contact
  • Initial interaction
  • Innovative technology / know-how
  • Innovation cells
  • Regional technological transfer
  • Invention scan
  • Common trans-regional initiatives
  • Market competitors analysis
  • Trans-regional technological transfer
Partners research
  • Exploiting CDI's results
  • Analysis of science-technological news
  • SIG - Special Interests Groups
  • Size of the principal clients of ICR
SME mission
  • Mentor
  • Increase the clients database
  • Firms visits
  • Technological audit
Planul de implementare tehnologică (PIT)
  • Technological implementation plan (TIP)
  • TT Negotiation
  • Work groups

Economic impact of the technological transfer convention

  1. new work places
  2. increase of the business’s turnover
  3. income generated by knowledge and licenses transfer

INNOVATION Center Romania Piatra Neamt (ICR PN) objectives

Objective 1: Promoting innovation by services for technological transfer from Romania and UE’s countries in regions assisted by the Information and Assistance Centers in Research – Development – Innovation and Technological Transfer from "Innovation Romania" Network

Objective 2: Promoting innovation by services for technological transfer from regions assisted by the Information and Assistance Centers in Research – Development – Innovation and Technological Transfer from "Innovation Romania" Network in the entire country as well as promoting the results of the research from these regions to al European international technological transfer networks.

Objective 3: Promoting the results of CDT to and from national technological suppliers, by the "Innovation Romania" Network.

Objective 4: Stimulating the firms’ capacity to integrate new technologies.

Objective 5: Backup the promotion of common international initiatives from the innovation domains for the European regions as well as supporting schemes in priority areas from the European Commission’s Innovation Program.

Objective 6: Supply information about the innovation related actions of European Commission’s Framework Program 7.

Objective 7: Orientation to other services of those potential participants that ask for assistance to participate n thematic programs from Framework Program 7.

INNOVATION Center Romania Piatra Neamt (ICR PN) tasks

Task 1: promoting the interregional technological transfer according with the industrial, economical and social local system.

Task 2: promoting the transregional dissemination and exploitation of the community research results.

Task 3: increase the firms’ capacity to adopt new technologies establishing their needs and their ability for transregional and partnership cooperation.

Task 4: to promote common transregional innovation initiatives of the Romanian regions and also to boost innovation investment companies development etc.

Task 5: promote information about innovation activities of the national and European research programs.

Task 6: indicate the potential participants that require assistance to other entities from the Romanian innovation system.

Elements of the transregional technological transfer

Sender: owner or source of the innovative technology, product, process, expertise or knowledge.

This can be:

  • a private company
  • research facility
  • university
  • individual

Receiver: organization that acquires the innovative technology, product, process, expertise or knowledge.

This can be:

  • a private company
  • research facility
  • university
  • technologic center
  • individual

Valid types of technologic transfer agreements

- license agreement
- technical cooperation
- joint venture
- commercial agreements with technical assistance

INNOVATION Center Romania (ICR) role

ICR’s role is to promote innovative solutions by identifying organizations and companies with technological requirements.
By comparing these needs and offers, technological transfer chances can be increased.
The process and methodologies from behind the technological transfer are complex.

INNOVATION Center Romania (ICR) role

From the CIR network’s point of view, innovation can be defined as:

- new to Romania
- new to targeted Romania areas
- new to other industrial or commercial sector
- a new use for the existing technology

Local contact places:

Center for Informing, Consultancy, Training for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and Cooperation (CICT SMEC) Neamt from Industry and Commerce Chamber
Piatra Neamţ, Bd. Decebal, nr. 33, tel. 0233 216663, fax 0233 216657

Creative and Innovation Business Incubation Center (CIBIC)
Roznov, Str. Libertăţii, nr. 42 (Professional Training Center)
tel./fax 0233 665986

Patronage Inter-Professional Group (PIPG) Neamt
Piatra Neamţ, str. Privighetorii, bl. B10, P, tel./fax 0233 214920

Contact person:
Vasile Avădănei; Mobil: 0721 811362; Fax: 0233 230884